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GTA V Mod for GTA San Andreas PC Free Download - GTAModMafia

Computers can vary in a variety of criteria, both in size and inherent capabilities. Integrating computers into other devices is no longer a novelty; they can be built-in to cars, household appliances, and more, but in turn, such computing mechanisms perform only tasks defined by the developer.

There are very, very many types of devices that can rightfully be called computers, and every year there are only more such computer devices representing developers to the world, and the devices themselves can be logically divided into certain types of computer groups
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Types Of Computer And Types Of Computer

What is a type of computer is a group of computers with similar functionality or method of use, and a certain computing technique is considered to be a type of computer and usually computing devices that are usually similar in appearance, like a computer type, have their own distinctive capabilities. For example, a personal computer is a type, and types of PCs are computers that are used by a person for personal purposes: a candy bar, tablet, nettop, etc.

If in the last century computers could be either analogue or digital, nowadays only digital computers remain relevant. It will be about this type of technology, such as a digital computer, they are used today.

In addition, it is incorrect to separate computers according to the classification of the last century, the line between microcomputers and minicomputers is no longer noticeable, and other devices are called such, and the mainframe is only roughly equated with today's servers.

Personal computers

If you are inclined to believe that personal computers rule the world, then to a greater extent it is, the only thing that they do not rule in the literal sense is simply that their number is the largest. A personal computer, also abbreviated as PC, relies on working directly with a person, that is, a computer makes it possible to obtain understandable information for a person. PCs can be represented by both types of desktop computer systems - Desktop, and portable computing devices, some of which you can not only take with you on the road but also put in your pocket. In turn, personal computers can be divided into portable and stationary devices.

Types of stationary personal computers

The type of stationary PC means a computer with a permanent place, which actually serves as a computer table and does not imply a frequent change of place. Such computers can also be called workstations, because the computing power is enough to perform certain work, that is, intensive computing.

Three Main Types Of Such Devices Are Distinguished:

1. Desktop computers or desktops

The most high-performance representatives of personal computers are desktop computers. This is called a desktop computer because the placement is written, and after some changes, it is a computer table.
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The main component here is the system unit, usually a rectangular box, most often located either at the top of the table or at the bottom. A monitor, keyboard and mouse are connected to the system unit, and all these components interact with each other.

The system unit is a modular device, which means that it is possible to replace each component - module, independently, thereby changing the configuration for yourself.

2. Nettops

Nettop is a minimized version of the system unit, except for its size, it is characterized by lower power consumption and noise emission, and as a result, in most cases, lower performance. But all this contributes to excellent integration with the interior of the office or home. You can learn more about this type of computer from the article: Nettop, what it is.

3. Monoblocks

The monoblock is also a stationary computer but without a visible system unit. The frame for this type of computer as a monoblock is one common cause with a monitor. All components are located in the rear, behind the display, which creates a certain aesthetics for working at a computer. What are a monoblock and a monoblock computer can be clarified in the article of the same name?

Types of portable personal computers

What is a portable device? Portable means portable, and in our case, the mobility of computers provides them with a smaller size and a capacious battery compared to a desktop computer. In most cases, this type of computer to increase battery life limits itself in performance, but these capabilities are enough to perform certain, in fact, as for any computer, computing operations.

1. Laptops and their closest relatives netbooks

Laptops are computers that can be easily transported, have the ability to work offline, which is possible thanks to the battery, like other types of laptop computers. In addition, the distinguishing feature from stationary computers is the presence of combined components, a keyboard display in one case. And the ability to fold makes them even more compact.

Netbooks, on the other hand, are all the same laptops that have not only smaller sizes and longer battery life, but also lower performance, which makes it impossible for them to use resource-intensive applications.

These well-knit types of computers, based on the book principle of closing and opening, provide, though not high, sufficient performance to fulfil the needs of the user. What is a laptop - this article will be able to create a general idea of ​​a laptop, netbook and other folding computers.

2. Tablets and tablet laptops

Tablets are portable computers that share the needs of users in PDAs with smartphones, in one case the computing potential for viewing web pages, video and listening to music, the basis here is an input device such as a touch screen - Touchscreen (touchscreen), are real helpers, and in some situations it's more convenient than a laptop due to its smaller size.

In addition to the touchscreen, tablet laptops have a keyboard as well as a laptop, and depending on the model, it can either fold or extend.

The main objective of this type of portable device is precisely the access and use of the Internet, although there are basic multimedia capabilities. For such minicomputers, battery life is more important than performance, when compared to the same Desktop.

3. Pocket types of computers and smartphones

If earlier the differences between smartphones and PDAs (handheld personal computers) were really noticeable, now the average statistical smartphone performs the same functions, and the popularity of PDAs is not the same as before, but this kind of computer still has its users.

Like other types of computers that are representatives of portable devices, they are dependent on battery life. They are quite small in size, which favourably affects the ability to have them always at hand, which is the opposite of performance. Due to the lower resolution, it is possible to use such devices for watching videos and photos, even if they are not the best players, but they are not without such an opportunity, and the functions of photo and video shooting are a good plus.

These devices operate on battery power, and their size favours the ability to have them constantly with you. The main difference between today's models of smartphones and PDAs is that the former will perform, in addition to the computational function, the function of a telephone. Modern models without fail have an input device such as a touch screen.

Computing Servers

This type of computer as a computing server underlies the work of local networks and the Internet as a whole. All the work of networks is built on the server work of computers, each of the Internet resources, its files, and any types of information on the network is located on the storage device of any of the types of servers.

Without a doubt, the high performance of server versions of computers is very important, but not as much as their reliability. Computers that perform the server task, first of all, must have very high reliability and work without exception the entire service life because the stored information on the server must be constantly available, and in no case can it be lost. The use of backups is becoming mandatory for these types of computer solutions.

Servers can process a large amount of information, and the calculation is based on parallel processing of information. Therefore, server versions of computers are aimed at the development of multiprocessing and their multicore.

In general, a server can be almost any computer, and it does not have to be cumbersome as many people imagine, because its function is to serve other computers on the network, it is their information source. For example, a nettop can become not a bad home server but using the functionality of the system unit; it can be easily used as a hosting for your blog. In terms of functionality, and in size, servers are comparable to the type of computer of an outdated classification - mainframes.


Supercomputers are computers with the highest performance. Such computing facilities are ultra-fast types of computers. It is a multi-computer and multiprocessor complex, occupying large rooms, with shared memory and other devices that are also common.

Such computers are characterized by multiprocessor processing of multiple operations simultaneously - trillions of operations per second. Use the capabilities of such computers for very important tasks, at the state, world level. In modelling complex natural phenomena, the various effects of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, such a supercomputer make it possible to predict as closely as possible, for example, a cataclysm. Such computers can occupy entire buildings, government agencies, scientific computing and research centres.

The structuring of the elements, as well as the parallel and vector organization of the computing process, makes it possible for each system element to engage in its own part of the task, and in fact, the concept of a cluster appeared.

What other types of computers exist

Types of computers are provided to mankind by a large number of species and are not limited to familiar clone computers. Computer clones are simply put a lineup. 

Sometimes the presence of such a computer at one's side is clear to everyone, for example, a payment terminal or ATM represents one of the types of computers, and it's stationary and personal.

Modern game consoles are also computers, they carry a computer component, and in addition to the main function of the game, they also cope with other entertainment tasks. Household devices have microprocessors, which in fact is also one of the components of a computer.

Perhaps very soon, at our place, and not in a science fiction film, a kind of computer like a robot will appear that will also perform certain functions. Every year new representatives of computers appear, their capabilities are only expanding, and if you add a little fiction to the material, then the main thing is to prevent evolution from robotics into the appearance of a race of robots that will become a worthy competitor to humanity.

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