GTA V Pfister Comet Callista Cars Mod

Waqar Ahmed Khan
GTA V Pfister Comet Callista Cars Mod

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) is a game that needs no introduction. Its open-world environment, thrilling missions, and endless possibilities have captivated gamers worldwide for years. One of the aspects that make GTA V so appealing is its vast array of vehicles. While the game already boasts a diverse selection, modders have taken it to the next level by introducing custom cars and enhancing the overall experience. In this article, we will delve into the Pfister Comet Callista Cars Mod, a must-try addition for any GTA V enthusiast.

The Pfister Comet is a classic sports car featured in GTA V. Known for its sleek design and impressive performance, it has always been a fan favorite. However, the Callista Cars Mod takes this iconic vehicle to new heights. Developed by talented modders, this mod breathes fresh life into the Pfister Comet.

GTA V Pfister Comet Callista Cars Mod

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Visual Upgrades

The most noticeable aspect of the Callista Cars Mod is its stunning visual upgrades. The modders have reworked every detail of the Pfister Comet, from its body to its interiors. The car now boasts highly detailed textures, improved lighting effects, and realistic reflections. When you take this beauty for a spin, you'll be astounded by the level of detail that has gone into recreating the Pfister Comet.

While the Pfister Comet was already a high-performance vehicle, the Callista Cars Mod takes it a step further. With improved handling, acceleration, and top speed, you'll find yourself outpacing even the fastest cars in the game. The modders have meticulously fine-tuned the vehicle's physics to ensure a smooth and exhilarating driving experience.

GTA V Pfister Comet Callista Cars Mod

GTA V Pfister Comet Callista Cars Mod

In a game as expansive as GTA V, mods like the Pfister Comet Callista Cars Mod offer a refreshing change of pace. They allow players to explore new possibilities, customize their experience, and breathe life into their favorite in-game vehicles. The Pfister Comet, already a beloved classic, becomes an even more enticing choice with this mod.

Whether you're a long-time GTA V player or a newcomer to Los Santos, the Pfister Comet Callista Cars Mod is an excellent addition to your gaming experience. It showcases the dedication and creativity of the modding community and allows you to enjoy GTA V in a whole new light. So, rev up your engines and hit the streets with this fantastic mod – you won't be disappointed.


1.Put "callista" folder in mods\update\x64\dlcpacks
2.Add this line -> <Item>dlcpacks:\callista\</Item>  to the dlclist.xml (mods\update\update.rpf\common\data)

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Size: 50MB
File Name: Pfister Comet Callista Cars Mod

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